ENIGMA 2008  

  Travel Informations

Holomorphic Poisson Manifolds and Holomorphic Lie Algebroids


We study holomorphic Poisson manifolds, holomorphic Lie algebroids and holomorphic Lie groupoids from the viewpoint of real Poisson geometry. We give a characterization of holomorphic Poisson structures in terms of the Poisson Nijenhuis structures of Magri-Morosi and describe a double complex which computes the holomorphic Poisson cohomology. A holomorphic Lie algebroid structure on a vector bundle $A\to X$ is equivalent to a matched pair of complex Lie algebroids $(T^{0,1}X,A^{1,0})$, in the sense of Lu. The holomorphic Lie algebroid cohomology of A is isomorphic to the cohomology of the elliptic Lie algebroid $T^{0,1}X\bowtie A^{1,0}$. In the case when $(X,\pi)$ is a holomorphic Poisson manifold and $A=(T^*X)_\pi$, such an elliptic Lie algebroid coincides with the Dirac structure corresponding to the associated generalized complex structure of the holomorphic Poisson manifold. We also show that a holomorphic Lie algebroid is integrable if, and only if, its underlying real Lie algebroid is integrable. Thus the integrability criteria of Crainic-Fernandes do also apply in the holomorphic context without any modification.
